The day of the eclipse is a perfect articulation of what this great event means to our country, and many of its aspects will apply to your personal life as well. The Five of Clubs, as literally the SUN Card for August 21st, represents a crossroads: it brings about a sense of dissatisfaction and restlessness which is the ground seed for change. With great American eclipse happening tomorrow, this Five of Clubs is particularly interesting for the US. Our country is about to wake up to the reality of what does not align with our own personal values. Each card has an entire hand, each card ruled by a planet. I will go through each one to show how this eclipse will shift each aspect of our lives. Moon Card: Ten of Spades. Our comfort zone will be to put our shoulder to the wheel. A karmic aspect of this card of ultimate success is addiction and despair. We will have the choice to get to work and redefine success, or fall back into numbness and denial. Mercury Card: Three of Diamonds. Our minds will be occupied with values and money. What do I really want? Threes lead to creativity or worry. Take the creativity ride! We, as a nation, will be creating new businesses, and maybe even a new system of exchange. Also, this is the card of Donald Trump. Yes, he occupies our minds. Let your mind go here: he is the poster child for sovereignty (just being himself). He has a "Don't even THINK of screwing with me!" attitude. How could you wear that in a productive and honorable way? Venus Card: Ace of Spades. Our ability to relate to others in a healthy way will involve a high degree of autonomy, differentiation, and individuality. Consider what alone time you may need, and consider a new career. (This is the card of new beginnings in every way!) This is also the card of secrets (it rules cardology, wink wink), and Venus rules women, home, and friendships. What has been in the closet may be revealed for our nation (home), and planet (also home), and for ourselves (home again). Mars Card: Seven of Hearts. This combo brings the need to forgive the masculine energy, which has dominated the feminine energy on so many levels for a long time. Our pain needs to lead us to forgiveness if we want to heal and move forward. This card is also Karma to the Ace of Spades, (Venus card above). So maybe our feminine side needs forgiveness too, but more from past lives. Could this be about the oppression we used to inhabit without protest? Let us forgive our grandmothers as well as ourselves! Jupiter Card: Seven of Diamonds. Where does the prosperity, the blessing, the meeting and fulfilling of our potential come from? From our uniqueness, from our deep acceptance of our own value, from being informed about that value from Spirit rather than from the outside world or from our ego. You are precious, and valuable beyond reckoning. Know this, embody it, and pass it along in everyone you meet. Enough said!!! The karmic twin to this card is the Nine of Hearts. This represents unconditional love, and the Holy Spirit, the Great Comforter of our Souls. But it also represents the ending of relationship. In Jupiter, consider that this possible ending is like winning the lottery. Saturn Card: Five of Spades. Relocation, moving, travel, but above all, presence. This is the card of the child, scientist, or traveler who is in the present moment and alive to their senses. As our Saturn card, we will be challenged to become more observant (the Five of Clubs is the mental aspect of this; research, neutrality, listening). We are also being asked to change how we navigate. This, perhaps, is the card of being awake. Be present, enjoy your senses, and prepare for a huge change, on all levels. Many of you may relocate, and this will be an opportunity for great growth. Your soul is calling. Pick up the damn phone. Uranus Card: Jack of Hearts. This is the archetype of the Christ, in the Christ position. Our opportunity here is to choose the high side of this card, which is enlightenment, Divine Love, and to be the Avatar of Source; here on this planet. Have you asked yourself what is your mission lately? Take up your true identity, and be a light unto the world and yourselves. Be your own guru! Neptune Card: Nine of Clubs. Where is our spiritual consciousness? Can we drop judgement, and find unconditional acceptance? Can we drop the identification with rigid belief systems and be open to something new? This is also the card of letting go of an old paradigm. Could this be more apropos? This is our chance to just turn away from how we used to think. In my experience, this is like a dead branch, ready to fall away. Pluto Card: Nine of Spades. While this is the death card, we have to be fearless and address what is dying. Nature flushes the toilet, and so do cosmic cycles. The Pluto card tells us what will bring about our transformation; the crisis which will cause us to let go of what we were hanging onto for dear life. Well, there might be a major ending of something that we see as a part of the way things have always been. What will we do in the face of that? I say start over! The karma card to the Nine of Spades, the King of Hearts, would say, "Grow Up!" Become emotional adults; gracious, patient, and honoring of all. Be self-sufficient, kind, and wise. On that note, I would add, that the hand of the Five of Clubs comprises all heart karma. This means that we are being called to emotional development. As a nation, we are the Jack of Diamonds: all Jacks need to grow up. They can still be youthful; inspired, impulsive, witty, innovative, and lots of fun. But when you look at social media and many of our interactions with each other on a grand scale, wouldn't you say we need to grow up? Love is the mark of maturity. Love is what gives meaning, gives cause, heals, and connects us. "All you need is Love." "Love will keep us together." "Love, Actually." Insert your favorite love phrase, and make it your mantra this year. If you have only one meditation focus for this eclipse…well, you got it. Be Well! Love, Paula & Kismet Discover your card here!
1 Comment
10/30/2022 12:07:22 pm
Piece green from. Audience up street assume rather.
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