O.J., a beloved athlete who had risen to fame and stardom despite racial obstacles, and other such fallen celebrities, call us to reexamine our deeply held biases. How could such a great guy have committed this heinous crime? By now, most of us have no doubt he did it. This in itself points to an evolution of national consciousness. But at the time of the trial, people wanted to know the truth of what happened. The national news services responded by showing us non-stop coverage of the full trial. After all, we had gotten used to this concept through MTV’s The Real World which had started just a few years before. We had also gotten used to the idea of cover-ups, corruption behind the veil, and the sordid truth about the private lives of celebrities. (Why don't Johnny Depp and Brad Pitt bathe? Am I right?) Add this to the idea that we could actually know what happened and you have the perfect mixture for real life drama. Now to the actual trial and the people involved… Want to know your card? Click here.OJ is the Six of Diamonds and his Planetary Ruling Card is the Eight of Clubs. Other male Six of Diamonds (females are slightly different): Tom Hanks, Gene Wilder, Joe Montana, David Duchovney, and the guy who played Alfalfa in the Little Rascals for goodness' sake! What do those people say to you? Approachability, humor, all around good guy personality, right? But…. common to all Sixes, they have two sides. They must deal with polarity and paradox in their own natures. They may keep their shadow side hidden from all but the most intimate people in their lives. Sixes are also associated with the work of balancing our karma.They have some hard work to do, and they cannot color outside the lines without repercussion. Also, one of the Karma Cards of the Six of Diamonds is the Nine of Clubs which is the card of Universal Consciousness. Think open-mindedness, non-judgement, and a tendency to chameleon oneself to please another. Nines know how to tell you what you want to hear; but if they leave their own truth unspoken, if they suppress their anger, they can become incredibly volatile. (aka the shitstorm side of their card!) O.J. wanted nothing more than to be accepted. Security and making that inner child feel safe are themes of the Six of Diamonds. So at the cost of his own truth and even his own origins (many say he betrayed the African-American population by 'becoming white'), he shapeshifted to fit some mold he must have felt was ideal. For him, fame was the substitute for love, in truth, it left his inner child abandoned. What aspect of himself was he punishing in Nicole? After all, we are all mirrors to each other. Mad at your best friend? What are you pissed at about yourself? As the King of Clubs, it was her life path to solidify in her own truth. It was only a month before she died that she decided firmly on divorce. The evening of her death, her sister reports that she stated, "I can't wait to start my new life. Let's go camping. Let's go to Club Med. Let's take the kids on vacation." It seems she was finally ready to live a truly normal life. Perhaps O.J. felt this new authentic independence in her, and it was the one thing he could not afford. He would always be beholden to the expectations of others, to maintain the image, as long as that survival instinct was intact. Her ability to free herself may have been the trigger which threatened his survival program; that and the fact that she knew the truth about him. His program may have included the rule, "Never reveal who you really are. Keep your issues to yourself." But she was authentic, and eventually came to her truth in a powerful way. His internal program dictated that he must get rid of this part of himself, otherwise, he wouldn't survive. This brings us to their Cosmic Connections (the energies between the two of them). According to cardology, they had many connections: Pluto, Uranus, Jupiter, and Moon/Mercury. But we will focus on the Pluto and Moon/Mercury. The Moon/Mercury connection makes both of them feel safe, understood, and familiar. Enmeshment is common. The Pluto connection is triggering and sexually intense. It is especially in the Pluto connection where our partner holds the mirror up for us to see what we don't want to see. Nicole, perhaps, had seen some aspects of herself, had taken ownership, and moved on. O.J. not so much. The ultimate blow was for her to dissolve the Moon/Mercury enmeshment and differentiate herself. O.J., dependent on the adoration his fans to know who he was, could not accept this frightful independence. We can celebrate the fact that Nicole achieved her most challenging task as a King of Clubs: confidence in her own truth. Good job, Nicole. We hope you completed your karma with O.J. as well. Their other cards also reveal much, such as their over-the-top intense karma through the Circle of Seven, her other task: self-generated emotional safety, and his Jack of Spades 'liar, manipulator, shapeshifter' Moon card. But we'll save that for later. Now go do something happy and light-hearted!!! Or we have videos on this topic, so keep scrolling. Love, Kismet
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