Our Intention
Our intention at Kismet is to engender compassion and acceptance for yourself and others, and with that, to equip you with information and with strategies to address your issues, to grow in love, and to resolve the 'karma' you have set before yourself in this life.
We intend for the Destiny Cards System to become as commonplace as astrology and numerology to help us all evolve to make this planet a better place. Our approach is both serious and lighthearted, to help you feel both confronted and comforted in your journey as you take responsibility for this vehicle you call yourself.
We intend for the Destiny Cards System to become as commonplace as astrology and numerology to help us all evolve to make this planet a better place. Our approach is both serious and lighthearted, to help you feel both confronted and comforted in your journey as you take responsibility for this vehicle you call yourself.
The Story of Kismet
How the site came to be is really quite simple. The short answer, Kismet exists for love of and belief in the Destiny Cards system and a desire to bring it forward through simple language, humor, technology and ease of use.But if you want to understand a little bit more about the people behind the site, the long answer is this….
Kismet is the creation of four individuals (The Sensitive Advocate, The Tuned-In Realist, The Unconventional Sage, and The Witty Navel-Gazer) brought together by fate to learn from one another and do something far bigger than any of them could have accomplished alone.
It was on a summer trip to Colorado (because The Sensitive Advocate had thought she was going to find love in the mountains), that they met The Unconventional Sage. Little did The Sensitive Advocate know, it wasn’t the love of another person but the love of an ancient system that had been patiently waiting for millennia to be introduced to the masses that had brought them to Colorado. #itiskismet
The Sensitive Advocate, The Tuned-In Realist, and The Witty Navel-Gazer decided to get a psychic reading at a charming basement bookstore located in Boulder. The Unconventional Sage was the intuitive doing the readings and it was then that she introduced them to the Destiny Cards system. The whole group was amazed at the accuracy of the readings, but The Tuned-In Realist was more than just amazed, she was mesmerized. She wanted to learn as much as she could...and now!
So The Tuned-In Realist bought all the books she could find (because that’s what realists do) but knew that it wouldn’t be enough. For weeks, she thought about contacting The Unconventional Sage...key phrase being ‘thought about it’. Until one day as she was digging around in her wallet, fate stepped in and dumped a card out of her purse. She picked it up off the floor and looked at it. It belonged to The Unconventional Sage. She looked up, said ‘OK, got it’, and sat immediately down at her computer to send an email to The Unconventional Sage who was just about to start a class on the Destiny Cards system. #itiskismet
So, as The Tuned-In Realist mentored under The Unconventional Sage, she shared what she was learning with The Sensitive Advocate and The Witty Navel-Gazer. They found themselves talking about relationships in terms the cards, the characteristics of a person as described by the cards, and how their cards interacted with one another. It was like having the secret code to unlock the mysteries of relationships...and to a certain degree, life.
During the following year's summer trip (this time to Michigan), The Sensitive Advocate wondered aloud if there was some way this system could be made more accessible to the masses. She told The Tuned-In Realist (who immediately started planning the details). And then they told the tech-savvy Witty Navel-Gazer (who got the chills).
The three of them start kicking around the idea of starting a business. As the idea got legs, they began to realize they needed the expertise of The Unconventional Sage. When they called her up, she claimed, "I was just thinking of that exact same idea!" #itiskismet
And so, Kismet was born on January 8, 2016, which makes her The Fortunate Conjurer (6 ♠).
The Sensitive Advocate, The Tuned-In Realist, The Unconventional Sage, and The Witty Navel-Gazer hope you enjoy the site, find nuggets to help make sense of this beautiful life you’ve chosen to live, and continue to share the power of the Destiny Cards system with friends and family.
P.S. Our beautiful face cards were designed by Casey McGovern. Find her here.
Kismet is the creation of four individuals (The Sensitive Advocate, The Tuned-In Realist, The Unconventional Sage, and The Witty Navel-Gazer) brought together by fate to learn from one another and do something far bigger than any of them could have accomplished alone.
It was on a summer trip to Colorado (because The Sensitive Advocate had thought she was going to find love in the mountains), that they met The Unconventional Sage. Little did The Sensitive Advocate know, it wasn’t the love of another person but the love of an ancient system that had been patiently waiting for millennia to be introduced to the masses that had brought them to Colorado. #itiskismet
The Sensitive Advocate, The Tuned-In Realist, and The Witty Navel-Gazer decided to get a psychic reading at a charming basement bookstore located in Boulder. The Unconventional Sage was the intuitive doing the readings and it was then that she introduced them to the Destiny Cards system. The whole group was amazed at the accuracy of the readings, but The Tuned-In Realist was more than just amazed, she was mesmerized. She wanted to learn as much as she could...and now!
So The Tuned-In Realist bought all the books she could find (because that’s what realists do) but knew that it wouldn’t be enough. For weeks, she thought about contacting The Unconventional Sage...key phrase being ‘thought about it’. Until one day as she was digging around in her wallet, fate stepped in and dumped a card out of her purse. She picked it up off the floor and looked at it. It belonged to The Unconventional Sage. She looked up, said ‘OK, got it’, and sat immediately down at her computer to send an email to The Unconventional Sage who was just about to start a class on the Destiny Cards system. #itiskismet
So, as The Tuned-In Realist mentored under The Unconventional Sage, she shared what she was learning with The Sensitive Advocate and The Witty Navel-Gazer. They found themselves talking about relationships in terms the cards, the characteristics of a person as described by the cards, and how their cards interacted with one another. It was like having the secret code to unlock the mysteries of relationships...and to a certain degree, life.
During the following year's summer trip (this time to Michigan), The Sensitive Advocate wondered aloud if there was some way this system could be made more accessible to the masses. She told The Tuned-In Realist (who immediately started planning the details). And then they told the tech-savvy Witty Navel-Gazer (who got the chills).
The three of them start kicking around the idea of starting a business. As the idea got legs, they began to realize they needed the expertise of The Unconventional Sage. When they called her up, she claimed, "I was just thinking of that exact same idea!" #itiskismet
And so, Kismet was born on January 8, 2016, which makes her The Fortunate Conjurer (6 ♠).
The Sensitive Advocate, The Tuned-In Realist, The Unconventional Sage, and The Witty Navel-Gazer hope you enjoy the site, find nuggets to help make sense of this beautiful life you’ve chosen to live, and continue to share the power of the Destiny Cards system with friends and family.
P.S. Our beautiful face cards were designed by Casey McGovern. Find her here.
About the Destiny Cards
If you are ready to go in-depth into the Destiny Cards System, check this out!
Contrasting stories abound on the internet about the origin of our playing cards, but what is clear is that this system has been around for a very long time. We know that it is connected to the Masons, to Alchemy, to ancient Egypt, to the Tarot, and to the Kabbalah, among other things. The Grand Master of the Order of the Magi, the secret society charged with preserving, studying, and protecting the system, came out with the first printed material on the subject (in our time) around 1900. His name is Olny Richmond, and his book is called "The Mystic Test Book." He reports that the system goes back to Atlantis. Our guess is that it goes back further, since it is based on time on this planet. And that's a pretty old thing.
What defines the Destiny Card System is that it correlates perfectly with the calendar. Because the system links to time, the day you arrived is your "time-stamp” also known as the your Personality Card. This determines your…everything. Your personality, your timeline, and all the things you came here to work on this time around. Want to know your Personality Card? Click here.
- Black and red = day and night
- 4 suits = 4 seasons
- 13 cards per suit = 13 yearly moon cycles
- 12 court cards = 12 months
- 52 cards = 52 weeks
- 7 days x 52 weeks = 364 days & cards
- The Joker =1.25; all cards plus himself, which added up to the solar year: 365.25
The cards are laid out in a 7x7 grid, with the last three cards top center in an eighth row. There is a spread in which all the cards are in order. This is called the Spiritual Spread. (Each card has an assigned number with AH = 1 and KS = 52. This assigned number is what we use to add to another person's card to get your "Relationship Composite Card" Wohoo! and Coming soon to Kismet!)
There is another spread that is derived in a very particular way (as described in Robert Camp's "The Cards of your Destiny"), which we can say is laid over the first spread. This is called the Mundane Spread. The card 'under' yours, or in the corresponding position, is called a Karma Card. There is also a card laid atop your card's natural position in the first spread. This is your other Karma Card. Confused yet? It’s OK. We’ve got you. Click here for your Karma Cards.
Don't worry if this doesn't stick. Just keep reading because all of this structure has a kind of sacred teaching in it. Whatever sticks, is what will have meaning for you.
Alongside each vertical column, and each horizontal row of the spread is a planet. For example, the top line across, is the "Mercury Line." The column (up and down) furthest to the left is the "Neptune Line." Therefore your card is an intersection of two planets. These are like your sun sign, or a basic Astrological signature. These may describe you, and they inform you about what you are to learn this time around. For example, the Eight of Clubs sits in the intersection of horizontal Mars and vertical Neptune. Therefore, they tend to be task oriented and aggressive (Mars) but also idealistic, intuitive, and delusional (Neptune). The highest vibration of this combination is to be a future builder; one who weds passion to Divine vision. Stay tuned, because we will be presenting more on this to you soon!
Okay, just picture yourself sitting on the floor with this 7x7 grid of cards in front of you. Imagine that you spot your card. The card to the right of it is your Moon card. The card to the left is your Mercury card. The next one to the left is your Venus. The next, Mars, and Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and a couple more. This is your "hand." We speak of these cards in your report. This is your hand for life. Each card answers a question about you. And each card represents a period of your life.
YOUR PLANETARY RULER (Your other card)
What is your sun sign in Astrology? If you are a Libra, it is your Venus card that is called your Planetary Ruler. This is your 'other' card. Whatever planet rules your sun sign is your other card (eg. Venus rules Libra). When you find that out, you could get that report, also. It will describe you for sure!! Your Planetary Ruling Card augments your Personality Card, softening some things, and emphasizing others. That's why someone else with your card but a different birthday will seem similar… but different. If this is too much to figure out for now, don't worry, we plan on making it much easier to figure out. So stay tuned!
Speaking of other people, this system is very adept at identifying all kinds of shit about your relationships: the general vibe, the purpose, how it might feel different to each person. For example, on our website, you can order a Relationship Report which tells you how you energetically relate to another card.
The cards are like a big rotating clock which deals you a collection of cards for every year of your life. This is all laid out in Robert Camp's "The Cards of Your Destiny." You can go to your page (like the Five of Clubs if your birthday is October 17), and see every year of your life from 0-100. You will think you are looking at the Matrix in code. You actually are in a sense!
You have five cards that tell you about the whole year. Big themes. Like, where are you going? Where will you end up by your birthday? What will be the death (and rebirth) of you? And what will be easy? etc.
Then there are two cards of influence for each 52 day period you pass through. (There are seven in a year, like there are 52 seven day periods! Math. You miss it a little, don't you?) These two cards will help you understand every aspect of your life during that time, and will also help you know when to expect changes.
For example, if you have a Five of Spades during your Venus period, there's a really good chance that you will move or take a significant trip. If there is a Nine of Hearts in your Saturn period, you will have an emotional ending, probably a break-up; and it is karmic, planned. If there is a Queen of Hearts in Saturn instead, marriage or becoming a mother is more likely. Did ya know? You can get a reading with Paula or Laura to find out what's up for you this year. Click here.
So that's how we read the Destiny Card System, or as the ancients called it, the Science of the Cards, or the Mystic Test Book. It's all there in print, and you can learn to use it yourself.
We will be posting classes, YouTube videos with example readings in them, and all sorts of opportunities for you to become skilled with this totally amazing, unique, and accurate divinatory system.
If you are still reading, you are crazy. But no, seriously, you are hungry. Get a reading with Laura or Paula. Click here. Before you do, it would be helpful if you’ve gotten your Personality, Karma Cards and/or a Relationship Report.
Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram!
Lots of Love,