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Jack of Diamonds!
Jack of Diamonds!
The Light-Hearted Trailblazer"All Jacks possess the qualities of innovation, creativity, humor, impulsiveness, and emotional immaturity. This Jack tends to be more mature, grounded, predictable and hard-working than the other Jacks. This may be because the Diamonds represent the adult phase of life. Picture Jacks as being less tethered to the earth, free to roam the atmosphere on inspiration and impulse for great ideas, and able to take this crazy-ass life we are all leading less seriously.
The Jack of Diamonds has a preoccupation with security. Though they may seem to have it all together, they are often quaking in their boots, wondering when it will all come apart. We can hear them screaming at us, "It's not in my head! Look at my life!!!" as they list all the scary things around them. Those times when they feel the rug pulled out from under them are designed for them to find grounding, strength and confidence. They can handle this. The purpose of being externally destabilized by life is to get more internally stabilized. "Suck it up, you’ve got this!" might be a common mantra that is much needed in this Jack’s life. Most Jack of Diamonds have an adventuring spirit and love to travel, despite having been very tender and cautious children. If a sense of security is developed, they can..." |
Discover the key to unlock your transformation!
Ready for more? Grab the full cardology report.
15 pages including...
The most important insights into what it means to be your card
Real talk aka what you need to hear the most
Which celebrities have your card
What you have in common with other people with your suit and number
A special section to help the people who know you best
The most important insights into what it means to be your card
Real talk aka what you need to hear the most
Which celebrities have your card
What you have in common with other people with your suit and number
A special section to help the people who know you best
Jack of Diamonds Report
The Planetary Ruling Card
Your second most important card.
Every card has an entire hand. Yeah. You have a hand you were dealt. (They didn't make that shit up.)
Out of that hand, your main card is your Birth or Sun Card (see up top).
Your second most important card is the card ruled by your sign.
Most people feel this card is just as relevant to them as their Birth Card and some feel it's even more dead-on.
Dying to know more? Read the blog post.
*BTW: Leos (Sun-ruled) gleen insight from the Royal Archetypes (included below).
*BTW: Leos (Sun-ruled) gleen insight from the Royal Archetypes (included below).
The Royal Archetypes
How you operate in romance and at work.
While you may use your card the most, you can behave like the Jack, Queen and King of your suit in romantic situations and at work.
Men and women are different when it comes to utilizing these three cards.
Is your boss driving you nuts? Grab is birthday and find out which suit he is. Then check this report to find out why and what you can do about it..
Wondering why things are so magical with your new boyfriend? This report can give you a glimpse. Plus check out our Cosmic Connections.
This 40+ page report tells you about these archetypes and how they interact with each other.
Diamond Female Royal Archetypes |
Diamond Male Royal Archetypes |
The Kit
Dive all the way in.
Ever wonder why your life is the way it is?
This ancient system has many layers and can tell you all about that.
We've wrapped the most important ones up in a nice little kit for your card.
You can use this info to steer yourself toward world domination or inner peace or whatever...
Over seven reports & guides including:
Jack of Diamonds KitWe think all of this magic is worth at least $77, but we want a better world and that starts with you, so it's a steal.
Cardology Readings
Wanna know more about what's in store for you right now?
You have almost 20 cards for each year of your life and we can tell you all about them.
You have almost 20 cards for each year of your life and we can tell you all about them.
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