In every person's hand, they have a main card, or a Birth Card, which is ruled by the Sun and which represents the self. Each additional card in the hand sits in a 'planetary position’. In the Life Spread (see the photo), the card to the right of the Sun card is the Moon card. The card to the left is the Mercury card, and so on. You can find out your Planetary Ruling Card on your card's One-Stop-Shop page One of these cards could be considered another 'self' card, and that is based on your astrological Sun sign. For example, if you are a Cancer, the Moon rules Cancer, therefore your Moon card would be your other card. We call this your Planetary Ruler. It is the second most powerful influence in your hand. If you are a Virgo or a Gemini, it is your Mercury card that becomes your Planetary ruler. Do you follow? This is the main factor that accounts for the differences between two people of the same card, but ((( scroll down to read more or watch the video to learn all about the HAND YOU WERE DEALT! ))) with different birthdays. First, take into account the suit of your PRC. This will strongly affect the sense of how old you feel to others. If you are a Heart, but your PRC is a Spade, others will feel a sense of maturity about you, even if you are stomping and pouting like a child inside. And vice versa.
Second, see if your PRC an odd or even card. Odd cards tend to be logical and left-brained. They may also tend toward the wanting more activity in their lives. Even cards don’t have as much restlessness and may be more right-brained. So, if your Birth Card is even and your PRC is odd, this will allow you to be creative, less bound to time, and more intuitive, although you will probably primarily rely on logic. (Side note: Sixes are considered both odd and even, BTW). If your Birth Card is odd, but your PRC is a face card, you will have the capacity for leadership (a result of the face card), but may not always feel inclined to do so because of the responsibility you’d have to take on. The Age of Influence The influence of the PRC will come into play most strongly when you are 'passing through' that card. Each card in your hand has a thirteen year period of influence. Therefore, a Capricorn won't come into the thirteen year Saturn period of their life until age 52. And according to the seven year cycle, the Saturn period begins at age 28. Likewise, if you are a Sagittarius, your Jupiter periods will bring out your PRC, which is from age 39 to 51, and from age 21 to 27. Here is the 13 year layout, so you can at least identify when your planetary ruler is most active, and with what period of your life you most identify.
Your PRC is like another personality. Sometimes it is quite different, and sometimes, it integrates seamlessly into the main personality. We have observed that while others act primarily out of their main card, others seem to be operating out of their PRC. Leos & Scorpios "But what if I am a Leo?" Since the Sun rules Leo, your Birth Card and PRC are the same. Sorry Leos! You are just more influenced by your birth card than any others.If you are born on July 25, you are the Three of Clubs and the Three of Clubs! We advise Leos to look to both their Karma Cards (go to your card's page and get your Kit!) and the face cards of their respective suit for additional influences. If you are young (or just being immature!), look to your Jack. If you are a woman, look to your Queen. If you are a man, look to your King. Conversely, Scorpios get two PRCs, because Scorpio is ruled by both Mars and Pluto. We always knew you guys were complicated! Advanced Astrology Stuff This system operates (or rather your soul operates the system!) very much like traditional Astrology. A Sagittarius with a stellium in Taurus will seem much more like a Taurus than a Sag. In this case, the Venus card should be considered as a kind of PRC. If you resonate with your PRC more than your Birth Card, it may be due to your Astrological chart. Your chart may be weighted towards one planetary influence. If one planet seems to be the star of your chart, take a look at the card in that planetary position in your hand. Chances are, it will have a big influence on your life and personality. It is conceivable that your astrological ascendant and your moon could also be correlated to the cards. In other words, if you are Virgo rising, your Mercury card will act like an ascendant does. If your Moon is in Aries, your Mars card will be like your Moon. This is a worthwhile area of study…. For astrology peeps, go for it! For the rest of us, we will just stick with your Planetary Ruling Card (your PRC), which is determined by your Sun sign. The PRC and Relationships Our PRC can influence our relationships. If you looked up your Cosmic Connections, but didn’t find it to be accurate, this might be why. This is a topic we will get back to for sure! So stay tuned! Love, Kismet ------ You can find out your Planetary Ruling Card on your card's One-Stop-Shop page!
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