Through close observation, we have seen that the cards on either side of our card in the spread below seem to have a close connection to us.
We tend to draw these people into our lives. We have so much to give to and learn from each other. Because they are next to us, we will likely have a close friend or sibling connection. And siblings squabble, do they not? They see things from almost the same vantage point but not exactly, and are comfortable enough to have differences. The people who are the card just before or after ours have a set of lessons which feel like old hat or they are lessons we haven’t learned yet. We have gone back and forth about which direction would be the past life, and which the future life. Our best guess is that there is a sense of
In every person's hand, they have a main card, or a Birth Card, which is ruled by the Sun and which represents the self. Each additional card in the hand sits in a 'planetary position’. In the Life Spread (see the photo), the card to the right of the Sun card is the Moon card. The card to the left is the Mercury card, and so on. You can find out your Planetary Ruling Card on your card's One-Stop-Shop page One of these cards could be considered another 'self' card, and that is based on your astrological Sun sign. For example, if you are a Cancer, the Moon rules Cancer, therefore your Moon card would be your other card. We call this your Planetary Ruler. It is the second most powerful influence in your hand. If you are a Virgo or a Gemini, it is your Mercury card that becomes your Planetary ruler. Do you follow? This is the main factor that accounts for the differences between two people of the same card, but ((( scroll down to read more or watch the video to learn all about the HAND YOU WERE DEALT! ))) |