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Jack of Spades!
Jack of Spades!
The Shapeshifting Achiever"Being a Jack means that the Jack of Spades card will experience some kind of initiation projecting them from a lower way of being into a higher. Being a Spade means that they will express this initiation through action. The Jack of Spades also can initiate others into this higher way of thinking. J.R.R. Tolkien initiated us into worlds of fantasy and language, which is still enlightening us about the world in which we live. Frederick Douglass initiated many in thinking differently about slavery and the inherent dignity of the human being.
Several actors have this card (Mel Gibson, Clark Gable) for it grants the ability to translate oneself into any personality or story. To be this card is to learn to develop and manage that ability. The highest potential is to be a spiritual teacher of some kind. The lower manifestations include deception, manipulation, and control. The Jack of Spades is like the Magician in the Tarot, or the archetypal Shaman who can see further into people and things. They are likely to experience success and even become public figures. They are capable of taking on large tasks that may..." |
Discover the key to unlock your transformation!
Ready for more? Grab the full cardology report.
Every card has an entire hand. Yeah. You have a hand you were dealt. (They didn't make that shit up.)
Out of that hand, your main card is your Birth or Sun Card (see up top).
Your second most important card is the card ruled by your sign.
Most people feel this card is just as relevant to them as their Birth Card and some feel it's even more dead-on.
Jack of Spades Report
The Planetary Ruling Card
Your second most important cardology.
Every card has an entire hand. Yeah. You have a hand you were dealt. (They didn't make that shit up.)
Out of that hand, your main card is your Birth or Sun Card (see up top).
Your second most important card is the card ruled by your sign.
Most people feel this card is just as relevant to them as their Birth Card and some feel it's even more dead-on.
Jan 3 (Capricorn) 10D
Feb 1 (Aquarius) 8S
Royal Archetype
How you operate in romance and at work.
While you may use your card the most, you can behave like the Jack, Queen and King of your suit in romantic situations and at work.
Men and women are different when it comes to utilizing these three cards.
Is your boss driving you nuts? Grab is birthday and find out which suit he is. Then check this report to find out why and what you can do about it..
Wondering why things are so magical with your new boyfriend? This report can give you a glimpse. Plus check out our Cosmic Connections.
This 40+ page report tells you about these archetypes and how they interact with each other.
Spade Female Royal Archetypes |
Spade Male Royal Archetypes |
The Kit
Dive all the way in.
Ever wonder why your life is the way it is?
This ancient system has many layers and can tell you all about that.
We've wrapped the most important ones up in a nice little kit for your card.
You can use this info to steer yourself toward world domination or inner peace or whatever...
Over seven reports & guides including:
Jack of Spades KitWe think all of this magic is worth at least $77, but we want a better world and that starts with you, so it's a steal.
Cardology Readings
Wanna know more about what's in store for you right now?
You have almost 20 cards for each year of your life and we can tell you all about them.
You have almost 20 cards for each year of your life and we can tell you all about them.
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