Gain a little more insight into the system by exploring the numbers and suits! This is just the basics of the basics, but you can try looking up a friend's birthday, find your destiny card and those of your friends. See if these aspects apply to them! The Numbers
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Your karma, indicated by particular cards, are like pressure points in your body, where there is stuck energy. The word, karma, means simply, 'work.' When you get a massage or a therapy session, you are having 'work' done, or are doing your 'work.' Your Karma Cards indicate what you have come to work on. Your karma is your generalized work, as described above, such as co-dependency or abandonment issues. This is why they say karma is a bitch. Because it does feel like it sometimes. A karmic relationship is one in which you have work to do with each other in particular. Balance is what is sought. In one of my past lives, (((( Keep reading or watch the video ))) We at Kismet believe a couple things you might benefit from knowing as you delve into our reports about your relationships Everyone has their filter, and this is ours! For the sake of grokking the possible inaccuracy of your report, please scroll down to Planetary Influences. YOU CHOSE THIS First of all, we believe you chose the particular people in your life, with whom you can achieve the most growth. Some relationships feel great, some feel terrible, and some are the very frustrating dance of both experiences! Those, of course, will be the most productive. (Because you are motivated the most with these!) AGREEMENTS BASED IN LOVE So, in keeping with that idea, it follows that you both agreed to this dance. The next idea we espouse is that you chose these arrangements with (((( scroll down to keep reading, or click the video. )))) How the site came to be is really quite simple. The short answer, Kismet exists for love of and belief in the Destiny Cards system and a desire to bring it forward through simple language, humor, technology and ease of use. But if you want to understand a little bit more about the people behind the site, the long answer is this….
Kismet is the creation of four individuals (The Sensitive Advocate, The Tuned-In Realist, The Unconventional Sage, and The Witty Navel-Gazer) brought together by fate to learn THE HISTORY Contrasting stories abound on the internet about the origin of our playing cards, but what is clear is that this system has been around for a very long time. We know that it is connected to the Masons, to Alchemy, to ancient Egypt, to the Tarot, and to the Kabbalah, among other things. The Grand Master of the Order of the Magi, the secret society charged with preserving, studying, and protecting the system, came out with the first printed material on the subject (in our time) around 1900. His name is Olney Richmond, and his book is called "The Mystic Test Book." He reports that the system goes back to Atlantis. Our guess is that it goes back further, since it is based on time on this planet. And that's a pretty old thing. CORRELATION TO THE CALENDAR What defines the Destiny Card System - aka Cardology - is that it correlates perfectly with the calendar. Because the system links to time, the day you arrived is your "time-stamp” also known as the your Personality Card. This determines your…everything. ((( CLICK READ MORE below to read more or ... watch our video! ))) |